Cancun位於墨西哥東南部突出大西洋的猶加敦( Yucatan )半島,屬於亞熱帶地區,四季如春,以海灘著稱,是墨國的世外桃源也是歐美人士度假勝地。

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Memorial stadium is the home of the Nebraska Cornhuskers. Located on the campus at the University of Nebraska in the modest city of Lincoln, Nebraska it has a reputation of being one of the best places in America to watch a college football game.

The 81,067 seating capacity at Memorial Stadium is now the third-largest in the Big 12 Conference and is also among the top 20 nationally.

Nebraska's 2006 contest against Missouri  set a single-game attendance mark of 85,197, bettering the 85,187 fans on hand against Texas on Oct. 21, 2006.

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